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2024 Lamar CISD and PBSL-USA

Student Leadership & Music Educator Symposium

General Information


June 18th - 20th, 2024


Student Participant Tracks




The general leadership track is open to current or aspiring student leaders in a high school band program.  This track prepares general field leaders, such as sectional leaders, drill instructions, etc. to serve as effective peer-based leaders for those they serve.  This track includes a detailed focus on the principles of effective peer-based student leadership.  Also, as part of this track, leaders will work with facilitators in the area of modern marching band movement.




The drum major track is open to current or aspiring drum majors in a high school band program.  This track prepares drum majors in the effective art of field conducting, rehearsal coordination, and general leadership.  Also, as part of this track, drum majors will work with facilitators in the areas of modern marching band movement, percussion leadership, and colorguard leadership. 


Symposium Instructional Staff and Facilitators


Leadership: Marc Perea (Sharyland HS, TX)


Drum Majors CORP: Maycie Meyer (Friendswood HS, TX)


Marching Band Movement CORP: Johnnie Green (Mason HS, OH)


Important Details


-Once enrolled, additional information will be sent to participants electronically.


-Lunch is ON YOUR OWN daily.


Register and Enroll


To enroll - click here or the ENROLL button at the top of the page.

Daily Schedule


June 18th

8:00 AM doors open

8:30 AM symposium day begins

4:00 PM symposium day concludes


June 19th

8:00 AM doors open

8:30 AM symposium day begins

4:00 PM symposium day concludes


June 20th

8:00 AM doors open

8:30 AM symposium day begins

4:00 PM symposium day concludes



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